In two days (20.10.) Immediately after the competition, which will be attended by Lauren, Nick will lead after party. The event will be held in Dallas at the club Zouk. We look at how Nick is preparing to do the event.
After party with Nick!!
Już za dwa dni (20.10.) tuż po zawodach, w których weźmie udział Lauren, Nick poprowadzi after party. Impreza odbędzie się w Dallas w klubie Zouke. Możemy popatrzeć jak Nick przygotowuje się do prowadzenia imprezy.
In two days (20.10.) Immediately after the competition, which will be attended by Lauren, Nick will lead after party. The event will be held in Dallas at the club Zouk. We look at how Nick is preparing to do the event.
In two days (20.10.) Immediately after the competition, which will be attended by Lauren, Nick will lead after party. The event will be held in Dallas at the club Zouk. We look at how Nick is preparing to do the event.
Backstreet Boys working on the Christmas album for the Disney
Backstreet Boys pracują nad świątecznym albumem dla Disneya
Ja i najlepszy manager j Sousa pracujemy w studio nad świątecznymi rsprawami BSB!!! Yay
Me and the best manager j Sousa working in the studio on bsb Xmas stuff!!! Yay
W studio z Kevinem, AJem, i Nickiem. Jeśli jesteś dobry w tym roku, może mamy dla ciebie niespodziankę;) Lubimy także kiedy jesteś niegrzeczny ...
Studio w/ Kevin, AJ, & Nick. If you're good this year, we may have a surprise for u ;) We like when ur naughty tho 2...
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