Set list
- Larger Than Life
- Everyone
- Any Other Way
- You Can Let Go
- Unmistakable
- I Want It That Way
- She's Like the Sun (Howie Dorough)
- Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely
- More Than That
- Helpless When She Smiles (Nie wykonywane w / Not performed on North American and South American legs)
- Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon (Wykonane jedynie na ostatnim koncercie w Azji / Only performed on the final show of the Asian leg)
- Spanish Eyes (Wykonywane tylkow Ameryce Południowej / Only performed on South American leg)
- Trouble Is
- Incomplete
- Drive By Love (A. J. McLean)
- Drum Solo - "Satisfaction" by Benny Benassi (House Music) (Nick Carter) (Nie wykonywane w Ameryce Północnej / Not performed on the North American leg)
- Panic
- Everything But Mine (Wykonane tylko na pierwszym koncercie / Only performed on the first show of the tour)
- I Got You/Blow Your Mind (Nick Carter)
- Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)
- As Long As You Love Me
- All I Have To Give
- I'll Never Break Your Heart
- Nunca te haré llorar (Tylko w Meksyku / Only in Mexico)
- Inconsolable
- Welcome Home (You) (Brian Littrell)
- The One
- Treat Me Right
- The Call
- Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
Bis / Encore
- Shape of My Heart (Nie wykonywane w Moskwie i Petersburgu / Not performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg)
- Siberia (Tylko w Sztokholmie, Moskwie i Petersburgu / Only in Stockholm, Moscow and St. Petersburg)
- Time
Daty koncertów / Tour dates
Azja i Australia / Asia and Australia
16-17/02/2008 - Tokio, Japonia / Tokyo, Japan
trouble is
20/02/2008 - Brisbane, Australia / Brisbane, Australia
Happy Birthday To Brian
22/02/2008 - Sydney
23/02/2008 - Melbourne
25/02/2008 - Dżakarta, Indonezja / Jakarta, Indonesia
27/02/2008 - Kuala Lumpur, Malezja / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
29/02/2008- Hong Kong, Hong Kong
02/03/2008 - Taipei, Taiwan
04/03/2008 - Pekin, Chiny / Beijing, China
06/03/2008 - Guangzhou
0803/2008 - Seul, Korea Południowa / Seoul, South Korea
10/03/2008 - Singapore, Singapore
Europa / Europe
02/04/2008 - Stuttgart, Niemcy / Stuttgart, Germany
03/04/2008- Monachium / Munich
04/04/2008 - Lipsk / Leipzig
06/04/2008 - Rotterdam, Holandia / Rotterdam, Netherlands
08/04/2008 - Berlin, Niemcy / Berlin, Germany
09/04/2008 - Hamburg
11/04/2008 - Ballerup, Dania / Ballerup, Denmark
12/04/2008 - Oslo, Norwegia / Oslo, Norway
14/04/2008 - Sztokholm, Szwecja / Stockholm, Sweden
16/04/2008 - Helsinki, Finlandia / Helsinki, Finland
19/04/2008 - Zurych, Szwajcaria / Zurich, Switzerland
20/04/2008 -Mediolan, Włochy / Milan, Italy
21/04/2008 - Frankfurt nad Menem, Niemcy / Frankfurt, Germany
23/04/2008 - Madryt, Hiszpania / Madrid, Spain
25/04/2008 - Lizbona, Portugalia / Lisbon, Portugal
27/04/2008 - Barcelona, Hiszpania / Barcelona, Spain
29/04/2008 -Torino, Włochy / Torino, Italy
30/04/2008 - Rzym / Rome
02/05/2008 -Oberhausen, Niemcy / Oberhausen, Germany
03/05/2008 - Luxembourg, Luxembourg (Odwołany / Suspended)
04/05/2008 - Bruksela, Belgia / Brussels, Belgium
07/05/2008 -Liverpool, Anglia / Liverpool, England
08/05/2008 - Birmingham
11/05/2008 - Glasgow, Szkocja / Glasgow, Scotland
12/05/2008 - Belfast, Irlandia Północna / Belfast, Northern Ireland
14/05/2008 - Londyn, Anglia / London, England Ten koncert został nagrany. / This concert was taped.
Cały koncert / The whole concert
Cały koncert / The whole concert
17/05/2008 - Ryga, Łotwa / Riga, Latvia
19/05/2008 - Tallinn, Estonia / Tallinn, Estonia
20/05/2008 - Wilno, Litwa / Vilnius, Lithuania
21/05/2008 - Moskwa, Rosja / Moscow, Russia
22/05/2008 - Saint Petersburg
13-15/06/2008 - Rustenburg, Afryka Południowa / Rustenburg, South Africa (Odwołany / Canceled)
17/06/2008 - Cape Town (Odwołany / Canceled)
North America
29-30/07/2008 - St. John 's, Nowa Fundlandia, Kanada / St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
01/08/2008 - Moncton, New Brunswick
02/08/2008 - Halifax, Nowa Szkocja / Halifax, Nova Scotia
04/08/2008 - Ottawa, Ontario
05/08/2008 - Montreal, Quebec
07/08/2008 - Toronto, Ontario
08/08/2008 -Clarkston, Michigan, Stany Zjednoczone / Clarkston, Michigan, United States
09/08/2008 - Kettering, Ohio
10/08/2008 - Indianapolis, Indiana
12/08/2008 - Elizabeth, Indiana
13/08/2008 - Atlantic City, New Jersey
14/08/2008 - Uncasville, Connecticut
15/08/2008 - Atlantic City, New Jersey
16/08/2008 - Gilford, New Hampshire
18/08/2008 - Vienna, Virginia
20/08/2008 - Atlanta, Georgia
22/08/2008 - Bloomington, Illinois
23/08/2008 - Saint Paul, Minnesota
24/08/2008 - Highland Park, Illinois
26/08/2008 - Sudbury, Ontario, Kanada / Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
27/08/2008 - Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
30/08/2008 - Regina, Saskatchewan
31/08/2008 - Edmonton, Alberta
02/09/2008 - Calgary, Alberta
04/09/2008 - Vancouver, British Columbia
05/09/2008 - Victoria, British Columbia
06/09/2008 - Redmond, Washington, Stany Zjednoczone / Redmond, Washington, United States
2-ga część Ameryki Północnej Jesień / 2nd North America Fall Leg
30/10/2008 - Reading, Pensylwania, Stany Zjednoczone / Reading, Pennsylvania, United States
31/10/2008 - Montclair, New Jersey
01/11/2008 - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
02/11/2008 - Wallingford, Connecticut
04/11/2008 - Quebec City, Quebec, Kanada / Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
05/11/2008 - Chicoutimi, Quebec
06/11/2008 - Sherbrooke, Quebec
08/11/2008 - London, Ontario
09/11/2008 - Hamilton, Ontario
12/11/2008 - Winnipeg, Manitoba
13/11/2008 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
15/11/2008 - Grand Prairie, Alberta, Kanada / Grand Prairie, Alberta, Canada
16/11/2008 - Prince George, British Columbia
17/11/2008- Kamloops, British Columbia
19/11/2008- Nampa, Idaho, Stany Zjednoczone / Nampa, Idaho, United States Odwołane z powodu konfliktów harmonogramu. / Canceled due to scheduling conflicts.
21/112008 - Phoenix, Arizona Odwołane z powodu choroby Nicka Cartera. / Canceled due to Nick Carter's illness.
22/11/2008 - Paradise, Nevada
23/11/2008 - Hollywood, California Kevin Richardson niespodziewanie pojawia się podczas bisu. / Kevin Richardson makes a surprise appearance during the encore.
Północno i Południowo Amerykańska Trasa w 2009 / North and South American Tour 2009
21/02/2009 - San Juan, Puerto Rico
27/02/2009 - Caracas, Venezuela
01/03/2009 - Santiago, Chile
03/03/2009 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
05/03/2009 - São Paulo, Brazil
07/03/2009 - Rio de Janeiro
12/03/2009 - Monterrey, Mexico
14/03/2009 - Puebla
15/03/2009 - Guadalajara
17/03/2009 - Mexico City
Ciekawostki / Trivia
1. Podczas trasy członkowie zespołu Howie Dorough i A.J. McLean zadebiutowali z nowymi utworami solowymi, a McLean w tym samym czasie robi solową trasę.
Band members Howie Dorough and A.J. McLean debuted new solo songs during the tour, and McLean was doing a solo tour at the same time.
Band members Howie Dorough and A.J. McLean debuted new solo songs during the tour, and McLean was doing a solo tour at the same time.
2. Grupa wyprzedała koncert w O2 Arena w Londynie i nagrała dodla webcast i DVD z trasy. Specjalnie na tą okazję dodano dodatkowe oświetlenie i pirotechnika.
The group's sold out show at the O2 arena in London was recorded for a webcast and tour DVD. Extra lighting and pyrotechnics was added to aid in the process.
The group's sold out show at the O2 arena in London was recorded for a webcast and tour DVD. Extra lighting and pyrotechnics was added to aid in the process.
3. "Everything But Mine" była wykonywana tylko raz, na pierwszym koncercie w Tokio, w dniu 16 lutego 2008 roku. Ale zespół wykonał piosenkę na próbach dźwięku w pozostałej części trasy.
"Everything But Mine" was only performed once, on the first show in Tokyo, on February 16, 2008. But the band performed the song at sound checks for the remainder of the tour.
"Everything But Mine" was only performed once, on the first show in Tokyo, on February 16, 2008. But the band performed the song at sound checks for the remainder of the tour.
4. Podczas ostatniego koncertu w Azji w Seulu, w Korei Południowej, zespół zmienił bieg rzeczy i zaśpiewał "Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon", a publiczność puszczała samoloty z papieru wokół podczas gdy grupa wykonała "Inconsolable".
On the final show of the Asian leg of the tour in Seoul, South Korea, the group changed things up and sang "Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon", and audience threw paper airplanes around while the group performed "Inconsolable".
On the final show of the Asian leg of the tour in Seoul, South Korea, the group changed things up and sang "Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon", and audience threw paper airplanes around while the group performed "Inconsolable".
5. Podczas kilku koncertów na europejskiej części trasy, zespół zagrał swój utwór "Syberia" z albumu Never Gone.
During a few shows on the European leg, the group performed their song "Siberia" from the album Never Gone.
During a few shows on the European leg, the group performed their song "Siberia" from the album Never Gone.
6. Podczas trasy, grupa ogłosiła, że wrócą do studia, w dniu 1 grudnia 2008 roku, po przerwie na Święto Dziękczynienia, i zaczną nagrywać swoją kolejną płytę, która ukaże się w 2009 roku.
While on tour, the group announced that they would return to the studio on December 1, 2008 after a break for Thanksgiving, and begin to record their next CD, due out in 2009.
While on tour, the group announced that they would return to the studio on December 1, 2008 after a break for Thanksgiving, and begin to record their next CD, due out in 2009.
7. Ze względu na popularność trasy, grupa zapowiedziała na 28 września 2008, drugą część trasy po Północnej Ameryce.
Due to the popularity of the tour, the group announced on September 28, 2008, a second North American leg.
Due to the popularity of the tour, the group announced on September 28, 2008, a second North American leg.
8. Podczas koncerrtu w Los Angeles, Kevin Richardson niespodziewanie zaśpiewał Shape Of My Heart z chłopcami.
During the show at Los Angeles, Kevin Richardson surprisingly turned up to deafening screams and sang Shape of My Heart with the boys.
During the show at Los Angeles, Kevin Richardson surprisingly turned up to deafening screams and sang Shape of My Heart with the boys.
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